Create hope.

I feel so hopeless sometimes when I see what's happening in the world. The younger generations  have such pressure on them to make the world a better place, a world which was ruined by the older generations.

Humans primarily need two things to live happily and not just survive, a planet and humanity. The older generations have ensured that we have neither.

Do you know what's worse though? The fact that we aren't doing enough about it. Every individual's effort and voice matters. We can change the world with the small choices we make daily.

Choose to use a bamboo brush, choose slow fashion, choose to say no to single use plastic, choose to avoid meat and diary as much as possible, choose to save water, choose to be open minded, choose to be inclusive, choose a humanitarian life.

Live up to the word human, care for all that is around you, don't take it for granted. It doesn't take a lot for us to make those small choices but it could mean a lot for this world of ours.

It could mean peace, cleanliness, better chances of survival and happiness. The world is literally in our hands. Don't let our political ruler's ignorance towards climate change blind you. Don't let his ignorance towards other humans influence you.

Stay human, stay alive.


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