What is friendship?

Ever since I was 13 years old, I've struggled with understanding with what friendship means and how it works. Humans are socially conditioned to believe a lot of things, one of them being how friendships are supposed to be selfless. I am in my early 20s at the moment and I can assure you that this is THE MOST CRUCIAL time in every person's life. Everyone is so busy trying to figure out their lives and rightly so. However, most people get so engrossed in doing that, that they begin to overlook other important aspects of their life. More than anything else, people take their relationships for granted not realising that one can't go through life without people. We're social animals after all.

This doesn't mean that one's whole life should become about making and maintaining relationships, no extreme does any good. Being extremely emotional, I learnt that the hard way because to me, friendship meant being selfless, dependable, supportive and motivating. Sadly, that's not how most of my friends felt. One must be wise enough to identify who's going to be there for them in the long run and who's going to run away the first chance they get. Investing your time and energy is the wrong people only leads to disappointments.

Also, understanding the fact that friendships when you were a child are very different from friendships when you're an adult. One has to be understanding enough to allow late replies, or rejected calls and cancelled plans. And one also has to learn to prioritise some birthdays, marriages, funerals, failures and be there for their loved ones in their good and bad times. Lastly, letting go off some people becomes the only option, no one is obligated to or should have to continue toxic relationships.

To me, the ideal friendship is one where one's personal growth and the growth of your friendship is balanced because people either grow up together or grow apart. Its as simple as that.

P.S - If it weren't for my friends, especially Aashish Chandratreya, I wouldn't have started writing again and that's how I know they're here for the long haul.


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